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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Which is more absurd? To believe everything you hear from a particular source is always true or always lies? Why?

Which is more absurd? To believe everything you hear from a particular source is always true or always lies? Why?

You always believe sources that deliver "information" that corresponds to your views. Why wouldn't you assume they are all true?

You always reject sources that deliver "information" that is antithetical to your position. Why wouldn't you assume they are all false?

What if you are dead wrong on both counts? Are you better off finding that out or better off not knowing so that you can keep on keeping on believing what you have always believed because it's how you were raised and what you were taught to believe? I dunno if you prefer being upset and disillusioned by learning that what you believe and what is true are not the same thing  or prefer living in your ideal thornless plastic fragrance-free rose garden forever after?

Posted - January 19, 2019


  • When a media outlet is shown to be inhabited by pathological liars, you turn elsewhere for reliable info. It's as simple as that. If your opinions are shaped by a lie, by all means, stay tuned to where the lying is best. Since most folks had rather believe a lie, there is a huge market for these outlets to supply the demand.
      January 19, 2019 11:14 AM MST